Divergent Design
Welcome to session 4 of our introduction to design.
Warm-up exercises
Now before we go further it is important to get warmed up. In every session there are three parts to this process.
1 min – draw straight line or squares and rectangles – remember to make sure the corners overlap.
1 min – ellipsis and curves. Try and draw three dots and connect them with one continuous arc.
4 min – now pick a house hold item near by and draw it. Now think about the light source and add some shading or hatching.
Whilst warming up watch the video.
Divergent design
So now you are warmed up – it’s time to learn a bit more about design. Watch these three videos. Keep your paper and pencil ready, and after each one follow the short activities.
Can you think of an example of divergent design? Something that has changed how we see an object or item or activity? What is different about the new design?
Double Diamond
The double diamond is a design theory. If you want to know more you can search for it on the internet. The important thing is that it requires us to ask new questions. Think differently.
You can find out more about the Mars project by going to https://www.ellaandnicki.com/
Want to find out more?
In each session we will highlight some further resources where you can find out more – these are not essential but if you are interested you might find them interesting.
Book Suggestion
‘101 Things I Learned in Engineering School’, Matthew Frederick and John Kuprenas, Three Rivers Press, 2018. There is a whole series of these books. They are fun and informative and super easy to read. This one is the most relevant to engineers. If you’re doing Civil Engineering the one on Architecture is also well worth exploring.
Watch this
This video is all about paper aeroplanes. I loved it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3BNg4fDJC8A
Find out more
Find out more – If you want to learn more about design thinking this website is helpful – https://designthinking.ideo.com/.
Netflix have run two series on the Art of Design – the first series is now also available on YouTube – I recommend watching a different episode every week. This week I recommend this video about Bjarke Ingels. Bjarke Ingels is an architect and does an amazing job of both thinking about buildings differently but also articulating the narrative around the design leaving you feeling like the solution he proposes is really the only sensible option. He has also written a book ‘Yes is More’ where he describes his projects using comic strips which is also brilliant. https://youtu.be/rKeFCd1j5BE
Time to have a go
In every session there will be activities to try out.
Activity 1 – House on mars (1 hour)
Choose a house hold object – something that you are really familiar with. What is it?
- What does it do?
- Why is it important?
- Why did you choose it?
Now I want you to imagine that you are living in the Martian house I mentioned in the example. Remember on Mars there is no internet. You can’t click and collect. You have what you have. Nothing more, nothing less.
So let’s have a go at using the double diamond.
What is the brief?
Try and think of as many possible questions you want answered.
Now narrow them down to one simple question (mine is how do I make good coffee)
Now think about the solutions.
Challenge yourself.
Think of a few more.
Go for a walk or a run or a cycle ride or read a book or listen to a song or close your eyes and do nothing for 5 minutes.
Now try to think of some more.
Now choose your favourite and try iterate it so that you end up with the best solution.
Activity 2 – Keep a creative scrap book (1 hour)
Keep going – remember you are creating a creative habit.
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